benefits of massage

  1. Dealing With Diabetes Through Massage Therapy

    Dealing With Diabetes Through Massage Therapy
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    Are you diabetic? Because it turns out, as of 2020, statistics show that 34.2 million adults in the US have diabetes, while 88 million Americans are pre-diabetic. So, chances are, you are reading this article because you are diabetic, or you may know someone who has been diagnosed as one.


    But what exactly is diabetes in the first place?


    Detecting Diabetes

    Let’s start with how the body functions normally. When you eat, the glucose (sugar) c

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  2. Manage Your Myofascial Pain Syndrome With Massage Therapy

    Manage Your Myofascial Pain Syndrome With Massage Therapy
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    You feel constant muscle soreness and sensitivity in certain regions of your body. And, it’s not just the usual everyday body ache. It’s one that is accompanied by tender knots in your muscles and may even extend to other (often unrelated) parts of your body. Does that make you wince even as you were reading about it? Unfortunately, this kind of pain is real and it affects people who are diagnosed with a medical condition called Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS).


    Meet the culprit

    So, what exactly is Myofascial Pain Syndrome?

    From the term myofascial, you can deduce that it affects both muscle (my

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  3. 3 Benefits of Massage Therapy for People With Autoimmune Diseases

    3 Benefits of Massage Therapy for People With Autoimmune Diseases
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    What if the very system meant to protect your body from foreign and infectious invaders starts attacking your own normal cells? Sadly, this is the condition for people suffering from auto-immune diseases. Some of the most common forms of this debilitating disease include systemic disorders like Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), and Rheumatoid Arthritis, to name a few. Its symptoms? Fatigue, swollen and painful the joints, inflammation of the skin, and even damage to other internal organs (like the kidneys), among others.


    And what do the experts say about its possible cause and cure? Unfortunately, research cannot exactly pinpoint the primary cause of auto-immune diseases. What they do know is that certain factors increase one’s risk of developing an auto-immune disease, such as genetics, diet, exposure to some chemicals, or certain infections. As for the cure, it can only be managed through medications that s

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  4. Massage Chairs and The Coronavirus Pandemic

    Massage Chairs and The Coronavirus Pandemic
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    The covid-19 pandemic has spread at a global scale and is affecting our daily lives in a major way. Our work and personal routines are disrupted, businesses closed, panic buying is evident and most importantly, people are very worried about contracting the virus. Because of these unfortunate events, most people are staying and working from home to avoid exposure. This means limited activities and access to resources we're used to. With gyms, massage spas and other wellness establishments closed, there aren't much options we have to stay healthy. Fortunately, you can still enjoy a relaxing and immune-boosting massage in the comfort and safety of your own home through massage chairs. Read on to know how we can help you stay healthy and sane in these strange days.

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  5. 3 Reasons Massage Therapy is Better Than Pills for Pain Management

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    What if there is a better way for pain management? What if you could skip the trip to the pharmacy and simply enjoy a relaxing yet simultaneously healing approach that is much more effective than these pills? You’ve most likely also turned to massage therapy for pain relief. In fact, many others also turn to massage for pain management. Still finding it hard to believe? Read on for a a quick walkthrough to show you how massage therapy fares better when it comes to pain management.

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