Monthly Archives: October 2020

  1. Experience Masterful Massage Therapy With The Ogawa Master Drive AI

    Experience Masterful Massage Therapy With The Ogawa Master Drive AI
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    Ever heard of a feature in a massage chair that makes it adapt, adjust, and personalize massage therapy based on what your body needs? Surprising, isn’t it? That’s the latest innovation in chair massage brought to you by Ogawa Master Drive AI massage chair. Want to know more about its cool features? Check this out.


    It is powered by innovative and cutting-edge technology


    Wish you can get a fast, accurate, and overall better massage experience? Many thanks to

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  2. High-Quality Massage Therapy With The Japan-made JPMedics Kumo

    High-Quality Massage Therapy With The Japan-made JPMedics Kumo
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    What image comes to your mind when you hear the phrase “made in Japan”? If you visualized a sturdy, high-quality, and premium product, statistics confirm that your perception is right. Apparently, Japan belongs to the top ten countries highly regarded for the quality of products they produce.


    Now, imagine coming across a made in Japan massage chair for sale. Wouldn’t you be curious to read more about it? If your answer is yes, then prepare to be impressed by the

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  3. FAQ: Where Can You Try A Massage Chair Before Buying During A Pandemic?

    FAQ: Where Can You Try A Massage Chair Before Buying During A Pandemic?
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    A lot of customers ask us nowadays, “Where can I go try a massage chair before I buy one?


    Well, as you know, we're in the middle of a pandemic right now and people are wearing masks and disinfecting things. As a result, many showrooms are closed and even the ones that are open, most people just don't feel safe sitting in a massage chair that has been sat in by a lot of other people recently. We just don't feel safe sitting in a massage chair that's been shared by someone else. Massage chair showrooms have other limitations as well.




    First, you only get a few min

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  4. Need Help With Neuropathy Symptoms? Turn To Massage Therapy

    Need Help With Neuropathy Symptoms? Turn To Massage Therapy
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    Ever heard of the peripheral nervous system? It’s the system of nerves responsible for sending signals to and from your brain and your spinal cord (aka the body’s central nervous system). And what are they for? They help you feel the sensation when your skin touches something (sensory nerves). They also play a role in controlling muscle movement (motor nerves) and other bodily functions (autonomic nerves).


    Now, imagine what happens when this system of nerves becomes damaged: Your ability to feel sensation will be impaired or completely lost. Your muscles become weak, so movement gets affected and limited. Worse, you may even experience lingering pain. That is what you call neuropathy. One (mononeuropathy) or more (polyneuropathy) peripheral nerves may become damaged and affected by neuropathy. Either way, varying and often multiple symptoms of neuropathy present quite a challenge when it comes to managing and

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  5. Dealing With Diabetes Through Massage Therapy

    Dealing With Diabetes Through Massage Therapy
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    Are you diabetic? Because it turns out, as of 2020, statistics show that 34.2 million adults in the US have diabetes, while 88 million Americans are pre-diabetic. So, chances are, you are reading this article because you are diabetic, or you may know someone who has been diagnosed as one.


    But what exactly is diabetes in the first place?


    Detecting Diabetes

    Let’s start with how the body functions normally. When you eat, the glucose (sugar) c

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