FAQ: Do We Price Match?

See more answers to Frequently Asked Questions here.

Yes, our best deal guarantee means we'll do everything we can to beat or match any published offer. And you also get our 30 day money back guarantee. So please let us know what price you saw and where you saw it, so we can save you some money.


And for some piece of mind, we also offer 60 day price protection. So after you purchase, in case the chair goes on sale, we’ll refund you the difference. That way, you don't need to worry about buying the chair only to see it go on sale shortly after. Because whatever savings you would have gotten from the sale, we make sure that you'll still get that discount.

So please feel free to reach out to us. Let us know if you want us to match any offer. You can chat with us or give us a call at 888-612-8862. Thanks so much..