Massage Chair Warranties

  • All the massage chairs we sell include manufacturer warranty that covers parts and labor.
  • Upon delivery of your order, we automatically register your warranty with the manufacturer. If you wish, you can call the manufacturer of your chair to verify your warranty with your name.
  • Although service is rarely needed, you can always contact us or the manufacturer directly in case there are any issues and we'll be glad to help.
  • In case service is needed, a qualified technician can be sent to your location to provide service as needed. This is included in the labor portion of your warranty. There are qualified technicians throughout the 48 states.
  • In the very rare scenario where the massage chair is beyond repair, a replacement chair would be sent to you. This is included in the warranty.
  • Most manufacturers include a 3 year parts warranty that also includes in-home labor service for the 1st year. Exceptions to this are Luraco which includes a standard 5 years parts warranty that includes 3 years of in-home labor service, and Dr Fuji / Fujiryoki that includes a standard 1 year parts and labor warranty.

Extended warranty

  • In our experience selling lots of massage chairs over the years, in general the extended warranty isn't something we strongly recommend getting. We are selective with which manufacturers we work with, and we only offer durable, quality massage chairs from highly regarded manufacturers.
  • It's rare that service is needed. And even if you need service after the warranty period, the manufacturer will still provide parts and service at cost price. So the extended warranty is like paying upfront for a service which you'll likely not even need. That being said, we are happy to add it to your order if you'd like.