Pain Relief

  1. Dealing With Diabetes Through Massage Therapy

    Dealing With Diabetes Through Massage Therapy
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    Are you diabetic? Because it turns out, as of 2020, statistics show that 34.2 million adults in the US have diabetes, while 88 million Americans are pre-diabetic. So, chances are, you are reading this article because you are diabetic, or you may know someone who has been diagnosed as one.


    But what exactly is diabetes in the first place?


    Detecting Diabetes

    Let’s start with how the body functions normally. When you eat, the glucose (sugar) c

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  2. 4 Benefits of Massage for the Elderly

    4 Benefits of Massage for the Elderly
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    Do you know someone from the elderly population? If you do, then you probably have observed their way of living and overall quality of life. Picture this: Limited physical movement, lower energy levels, reduced strength, and most likely some (if not a lot of) chronic conditions diagnosed over time. It may be heartbreaking to even think about, but it is inevitable, right? But there is still room for good news. There is a way for seniors to cope. And it brings with it several benefits, too.


    What’s this, you ask? It’s massage therapy. Let’s go straight to the point and start with this one.


    Massage therapy brings the benefit of pain relief to the elderly

    pain relief massage chair for t

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  3. Health Benefits of Massage

    Health Benefits of Massage
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    Massage is the manipulation of superficial layers of muscle and connective tissue to enhance the function and promote relaxation and well-being. Peer-reviewed medical research has shown that the benefits of massage include pain relief, reduced trait anxiety and depression, and temporarily reduced blood pressure, heart rate, and state of anxiety.

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